
Who We Are

I started playing drums when I was 9 years old and ever since then, it’s continued to be one of my favorite hobbies.  When I was in college I was in a band.  We cut a demo and had plans to get signed.  If only we had been good enough for that to happen! Today, I play in a local, old-guy rock band.  We play the Charlotte area monthly, featuring our favorite 90s and 2000s grunge and rock.  I couldn’t be more fortunate to have that as a hobby.

The reason I chose Kick Pedal Media for the name of my company is that the kick pedal is what the drummer uses to play the bass drum.  The bass drum is the fundamental building block for rhythm in music.  Marketing and Sales — be it digital or business development — provides that same foundation for business.  The way John Bonham drives the classic Led Zeppelin song, “When the Levee Breaks” with his flawless kick pedal, the key driver for the growth of your business is provided by your marketing efforts and strategic partnerships.

As a seasoned expert and senior business leader, I will help you build or reinforce that foundation and accelerate growth, exceed revenue goals and achieve the strategic relationships to position your business for scale and success for years to come.  I have achieved this since 2003 with companies such as Natural IntelligenceLendingTree, QuinStreet, LeadPoint, LowerMyBills, and more.  At each company, I was an instrumental part in helping the business reach its peak levels of performance and I will do the same for you.

Even though I never achieved that dream of becoming an actual Rock Star, I can help your business and you achieve a legendary status of your own.

What We Do

We are a full-service agency, able to provide guidance in all facets of digital marketing.

Strategy – The roadmap for success isn’t entirely complicated.  But the focus on KPIs, diligence to execute, and experience to lead and manage teams can be.  KickPedalMedia has been a part of many turn-around opportunities and we can help your organization reach that next inflection point in your scaling process.

Business Development – BD is simultaneously the most simple and complex component of your business.  It’s simple because the number 1 reason why anyone will do business with you is because they like you.  It’s complex because building and maintaining business-critical partnerships requires one to understand their partners’ businesses as well, or better than they understand it themselves.  Having been in the industry for more than 21 years, I have partnerships built on more than a decade of trust and a deep knowledge that only a vast amount of experience can provide.

Media – There is no silver bullet in marketing.  You need to operate a suite of different approaches, all in concert, while continuously evaluating quality and ROI.  There will always be the “current rage,” (Tik Tok, anyone?) but each method needs to be no more than just a piece of an over-arching strategy also including the old stalwarts: Email, SEM, SEO, Display, Performance. and Business Development.

Campaigns – We can manage multiple campaigns, and multiple products, running multi-variate testing, simultaneously.  Marketing is about data, plain and simple.  If you are acting out of emotion then you will always be susceptible to bias and blind spots.  Wherever possible we use automation software and computer learning to remove emotion and test data.  Then we scale what works.

Creative – Have an in-house creative team already?  Fantastic, we can leverage that.  If not, we have resources available to generate best-in-class creative to drive end-user engagement.